Robots & Cupcakes “Be a Reading Machine” Cridersville, Tuesday, Jan. 7 - 4-5PM Challenge yourself to build a LEGO robot and then enjoy a cupcake! Registration required. Minster Family Night Crafts Monthly, Minster Sign up to create awesome crafts together and enjoy the time with family. Multiple time slots offered. Registration required. DIY Snowglobe - Monday, Jan. 13 - 4-5, 5-6, & 6-7PM Valentine’s Day Craft - Monday, Feb. 10 - 4-5, 5-6, & 6-7PM Pictionary & Snacks Cridersville, Tuesday, Jan. 14 - 4-5PM Get ready to guess and draw your way through this fun game and enjoy snacks too. Sketches & Snacks Multiple Branches Follow along to draw a few fun sketches & enjoy yummy snacks! Registration required. Wapakoneta - Tuesday, Jan. 28 - 5-5:30PM Cridersville - Tuesday, Feb. 11 - 4-5PM How It’s Made: Krave Creamery’s Freeze-Dried Candy Thursday, Feb. 6 - 6-6:45PM Register for a special edition of “How It’s Made” with special guest Dena Wireman from Krave Creamery to tell us all about the freezedried candy process. Samples will be available. Registration required. Loving Crafts Multiple Branches Visit the library to make a sweet craft for a special someone. First come, first served while supplies last. New Knoxville - Monday, Feb. 10 - 3-6PM New Bremen - Tuesday, Feb. 11 - 3-6PM Beaded Valentine Heart Craft Cridersville, Thursday, Feb. 13 - 4-5PM Create your own Beaded Valentine Heart with pipe cleaners & beads. 10