Jan-Feb 25

Your Library Card Find more at auglaizelibraries.org Loan Periods & Item Limits Patrons in good standing (owing less than $5) may check out up to the following: 28–Day Loan Period All Books (excluding New Adult Fiction) Audio Books (Limit 3) 14–Day Loan Period New Adult Fiction Magazines DVDs (Limit 3) CDs (Limit 3) Games/Puzzles (Limit 3) Kitchen Collection (Limit 3) Hotspots & Rokus (Limit 1) Lost, Stolen, or Missing Items & Cards Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their card including lost and damaged items. Lost cards can be replaced at no cost. How to Get a Library Card Adults must show proof of their current address by showing a driver's license, utility bill, or renter agreement to receive a library card. Children must have a parent or guardian present with one of the above mentioned items to receive a card. Cards for Children 17 & Under Parents are responsible for their children's library cards. Only legal guardians/custodians are allowed to access a child's card. Parents may allow permissions for a child to check out movies and/or to use public computers. I Forgot My Library Card # If you forgot your library card number or PIN, you can ask for help at the desk, you can call 419– 738–2921, or you can email acpdl@auglaizelibraries.org for help. Renewing Items Most items automatically renew when due, up to the maximum number of renewals, unless requested by other patrons. Access the Library Online Access your account to see what's checked out, to place holds, borrow eMedia, and find events at auglaizelibraries.org. Fines & Fees There are no daily incremental fines for most overdue items, excluding Hotspots, Streaming Services, and Launchpads. However, if an account has overdue items, no new items can be checked out until they are returned. Replacement fees will be charged if items are not returned. 3