Homemade Christmas Cards

<img src="https://auglaize.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2024-09/christ…; />

12/05/24 @ 1:00pm -
12/05/24 @ 1:45pm

Event Room


<p>In the course of daily operations, the library may take photographs within public areas of the&nbsp;library. Written permission is not needed for Library staff to take photographs of groups or crowds&nbsp;including children in the library building or during library sponsored events.&nbsp;</p>

Registration is required.
Registration starts: 11/20/2024 @ 8:00am

Registration end: 12/05/2024 @ 1:00pm

<p>This is a hands-on workshop where you will create and bring home some beautiful, handmade cards from recycled materials for that personal touch this Christmas. Supplies will be provided.</p>

End date