<img src="https://auglaize.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2024-07/pexels…; />
02/03/25 @ 6:00pm -
02/03/25 @ 7:00pm
<p>Pick up each month's title ahead of time to read and then discuss it at our monthly gathering. New members always welcome!</p>
<p>This book group meets at area businesses. Check with the Library to find out where we're going next. Readers are welcome to patronize the businesses on their own dime. The book for February is <em>Crow Mary</em> by Kathleen Grissom. </p><p> </p><img src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/crow%20mary%20book.jpg" data-entity-uuid="f8ea40e7-9a62-4297-8676-516ec85d0acc" data-entity-type="file" alt="book titled crow mary" width="250" height="313">