Ancestry Library Edition | U.S. Census records; military records, court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; petitions for naturalization; passenger lists and more. (IN LIBRARY USE ONLY) |
Ancestry Library Edition | U.S. Census records; military records, court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; petitions for naturalization; passenger lists and more. (IN LIBRARY USE ONLY) |
MedlinePlus |
MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families and friends. It brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere. |
Biography Reference Bank | Find multiple sketches of the subject's life and accomplishments. Search by time period, profession, place of origin, and birth and death dates. |
Ohio Historical Society | Ohio Historical Society helps people to connect with Ohio’s past in order to understand the present and create a better future. |
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Educators, Teachers, At-Home Educators-- by any name, the job remains the same. We at the library remain committed to assisting all educators in their efforts to provide the best possible curricula to your students. Creative and innovative partnerships between libraries and schools are a win for children everywhere. Below are some opportunities we can make this happen.
Ohio Libraries Share MORE | Ohio Libraries share materials at no charge to the patrons. To replace the discontinued MORE system, we now partner with SEO to fill specific material requests. |
Ohio Web Library | The Ohio Web Library is an evolving collection of thousands of online publications and research resources. The Ohio Web Library includes: popular magazines, trade publications, scholarly research journals, newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, speeches, poems, plays, maps, satellite images of Ohio, and more. |